Subject to complying with the Foundation’s Grant Priorities and Approach, an eligible organisation’s representative is invited to contact the Foundation to discuss their project/program/research funding requirements.
Initial emailed enquiries can be made to

Important information
In making its assessment as to whether to grant funding, the Foundation may refer applications to an external advisory panel or other relevant expert parties in the sector for comment.
The Foundation may elect to provide only some of the funding for a project; for example, because the entire project does not fit within the Foundation's criteria or funding for part only is more appropriate - such as for feasibility studies, pilot studies or development stages of a project.
Full details of expenditure and funding sought must be provided. Ambit requests should not be made. The Foundation is prepared to fund operational expenses (e.g. salaries and administration costs) if these expenses form an integral part of an approved project. General capacity building of an organisation is encouraged if this is associated with the program being funded.
The Colonial Foundation may change its policy and guidelines at any time.