Reporting and Measurement

All the Foundation’s Grant Partners must agree to a regular reporting program in a format acceptable to the Foundation. This will include the performance measures to be used to determine the success of the project and the publication of the results of the project. Reports, or a summary of an outcomes report, may also be included in the Foundation’s Annual Review, which is expected to be available through the Foundation’s website.


Advice and Review

In order to assist in driving the development of projects, the Foundation may decide to appoint an Advisory Panel of appropriately credentialed policy-makers and leaders in their fields. In addition, the Foundation may appoint a panel of experts to review projects during the term of the grant. These reviews will advise the Foundation whether grants should continue and whether any improvements or changes should be made to the particular project. Grant Partners are asked to participate in the review process and to comment upon recommendations made. The process is designed to be beneficial to the project being funded. The Foundation has conducted such reviews of most of its major grant partnerships that have extended beyond a five-year funding term.


Funds Availability

Multi-year funding will be subject to the availability of funding as determined by the Foundation.