During 2019, Colonial Foundation continued its support of The Haven Foundation by contributing $500,000 to assist in the purchase of a new property in Laverton, Victoria. The property will be used to construct a 16 bed fully self-contained Haven Home that are built to specialist design standards and specifications for eligibility tenants to participate in the NDIS. The Victorian Government has agreed to fund the construction costs. The Foundation has previously contributed to the construction of three existing facilities in South Yarra, Frankston and Geelong.
The Haven Foundation is focused on ensuring that people with serious and persistent mental health issues have affordable and appropriate housing while they recover and that they are supported live independently. These people are at greater risk of being or becoming homeless than the general population. Having unstable housing is also a significant destabilising factor that can contribute to the risk of developing or exacerbating mental illness. The social need is not being adequately addressed and has been fragmented and underfunded since institutions were closed.
Offering 24/7 supported accommodation is life changing for the residents and reduces risk of repeated hospital admissions and homelessness. This reduces the burden on Government expenditure in the emergency and acute public health setting, in the justice system and improved employment outcomes for mental health carers.