Colonial Foundation seed-funded the “Out There in Schools” program when it was piloted in 2006. Since that time, the program has grown to become one of Australia’s leading dance education incursion (school-based) programs. The program, led by a troupe of highly skilled Australian Ballet dance teachers, involves learning around movement. Non-competitive dance learning highlights the value of listening, seeing, physical coordination and expressive skills. Sensory development aids all aspects of learning for children in their formative years. The program is delivered to primary school aged children attending schools deemed to be disadvantaged, whether it be socio economic disadvantage or because of the remoteness of location. In 2015, Colonial renewed its support of the program and committed further funding, payable over the next four financial years, to support the program’s expansion across all States and Territories of Australia.

Image above: Students at Ingle Farm Primary School in South Australia participate in The Australian Ballet Education program, photography by Aaron Veryard